Week 9 – Summary.
- Feeling good. Looking forward to first race this coming Tuesday night
Resting HR (week avg): 53
Weight: 89.5 kg (+0.5)
Sleep: > 6.5 hours on 1 of 7 nights
Track sessions: 4 / 5
October 25
Track rest day.
October 26
Acceleration at Adcock. 4 * 40m from push up with 4 / 8 min rest; 3 * 50m from 3 pt with 5 min rests. Last rep not as good. 3 * med ball (5kg) and push ups (12, 12, 12) circuit.
October 27
Didn’t make it to for tempo 😔
October 28
30 * long lunge walking, 30 * single leg deadlift in alt groups of 5, 30 short lunge walking, 6 * bridge holding 5.
3 * med ball circuit with push ups (12, 12, 16) 1:30 rest
20 * long lunge walking, 30 * single leg deadlift in alt groups of 5, 20 short lunge walking, 6 * bridge holding 5.
5 minute plank circuit plus bicycle crunches. Failed on both elbow – single leg and final elbow plank.
October 29
Track rest day
October 30
Speed at Adcock. Tailwind. 4 * flying 20 with 30m acceleration every 3:00; 3 * flying 30 with 30m acceleration every 3:30.
4 * med ball (5kg) circuit with push ups (12, 12, 12, 14) 1:30 rest.
October 31
Tempo at Adcock. 200m. Lane 5 400 – 200. 33.5, 33.3, 31.7, 32.8; 32.3, 33.3, 32.7. Should have been 8 but a few of the earlier runs a little quick.